
Top 5 Attractions you must not miss in Rome

So, you want to go to Rome on your next trip to Italy? Rome is the ideal spot to spend a weekend with your boyfriend or family, especially as the city can be on foot!

To assist you in planning your visit, I have compiled this list of the finest things to do in Rome, along with all the must-see sights and areas of interest. You’ll also discover itineraries for visiting Rome in 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 days (or more!) at the end of the article, as well as my recommendations for the finest accommodations based on your budget.

Plan a trip to this beautiful city of Rome so book a cheap flight ticket to Rome and enjoy your days in Rome.

List of top 5 Attractions you must not miss in Rome

1. The Colosseum

the colosseum
the colosseum

Let’s start with the Colosseum, which is in the Historic Centre (or “Centro Storico” in Italian). It is the most recognizable monument in Rome! It is the largest amphitheater in the Roman world, seating more than 50,000 people. In these areas, where the famed gladiatorial combats, animal fights, and Roman games were held, much blood was shed, followed by tragic deaths. The visit is not free, and you will most likely have to wait for several hours if you go during peak season.

2. The Roman Forum

the roman forum
the roman forum

The forum was the city’s hub, and there are relics of ancient markets, governmental buildings, and religious structures. But, there is no explanation on the site, so if you’re interested in history, you should take a guided tour. I recommend the small group trip to the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill. It’s the most comprehensive and comes in English, Italian, Spanish, and French, which is quite helpful!

3. The Palatine Hill

the palatine hill
the palatine hill

This is the third attraction included with the Colosseum ticket. Palatine Hill, one of Rome’s seven hills, is said to be the site where Romulus and Remus established the city. They are, as you may remember, the two twins who would have been suckled by a wolf in a cave. This cave and the remnants of historical persons’ houses, such as Augustus, the first Roman emperor, are accessible from the summit of Palatine Hill.

4. Piazza Venezia

piazza venezia rome
piazza venezia rome

Piazza Venezia, one of Rome’s great squares, is not far from the Roman Forum, at the other end of Via dei Fori Impierali. All the streets lead to Rome’s main tourist attractions from there! Next to the square lies the famed Trajan’s column, which features bas-reliefs depicting Emperor Trajan’s military triumphs. The building’s roof also provides an excellent panoramic view of the entire city. A glass lift at the back of the building provides access.

5. The Pantheon

the pantheon
the pantheon

The Pantheon is Rome’s best surviving ancient edifice and yet another must-see tourist site! It was to all mythology divinities before becoming a Christian church in the seventh century. Don’t be afraid to enter; the visit is free, which is unusual enough to remark! Inside, admire the massive dome and the oculus (the opening in the dome that provides unique lighting). 

Enjoy every bit of everything in Rome so book a flight to Rome and enjoy Rome’s famous cuisine.

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